Open post

St Mark’s CLB Reunion

Last night 35 past members of St Mark’s CLB Armagh and Grange CLB met for a trip down memory lane in the Crozier Hall. In attendance for the occasion were Archbishop of Armagh, Most Rev’d Dr Richard Clarke, Rector of St Mark’s Parish, Rev Malcolm Kingston, CLCGB Chaplain, Dean Robert Townley and Commanding Officer, Melvyn Lockhart.

A talk on the history of St Mark’s Company was given by CLCGB Historian Johnny Conn and everyone received a copy of his Great War Book “Ready and Willing”. Those in attendance enjoyed a chance to view some memorabilia and reminisce over supper about their time in the CLB.

Several members from both St Mark’s Company and the Grange Company enthusiastically reminisced about their trip with the Brigade to the Holy Land in 1966.

A night to be remembered for sure!

Open post

Scripture Course 2019/2020 Coming Soon!

CLCGB NI are excited to announce that our 2019/2020 Scripture Course will soon be available!

This years Martin’s and Y Team course is called Bible Blockbusters!

This year the JTC and Seniors will be following a course called Life Lessons with Jesus!

We are excited to get this new material out to you as soon as possible and even more excited about all God will do through you as you teach your members this year using these resources! 

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